Текст песни Caligola - My Sister Rising

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sister what you doing to me?
sister what you doing to me?
so come on, feel my temperature rising

sister what you doing to me?
sister what you doing to me?
so come on, feel my temperature rising

see my sister rising
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart to the stars

see my sister rising
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart to the stars

if you see her coming better put your hands up
and if you hear her screaming better put your hands up

to the roof, cause my sister rising now
all this fever makes me wanna keep you near
makes me wanna keep you here
makes me wanna keep you so near to me
feel the temperature rising

see my sister rising
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart to the stars

see my sister rising
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart to the stars

jailtime is what we're doing here
jailtime is what we're doing in here
so come on, feel my temperature rising high

see my sister rising
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart to the stars

see my sister rising
from the bottom of my heart
from the bottom of my heart to the stars

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