Текст песни Sleigh Bells - Never Say Die

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96 power...

You know you wanna wanna
Because you’re gonna gonna
Below the low tide
We never say die
I’d like to try to
Sit down beside you
But when I say dark
I don’t mean the shade

Well I’m prepared to
Fight and defend you
I’ll never doubt you
A ribbon tied to
Above it’s their time
Down here it’s our time
Ah, ah never say die

Live on, or be gone, or live on, or be gone
Or wake up, or break up, or wake up, or break up

Never say die
96 power...

You took the low road when you missed your window
You got it all wrong with the ah-ah inferno
Don’t give up the ship
Or else the scale will tip
But when I say dark, I don’t mean the shade

Well I’m prepared to
Fight and defend you
I’ll never doubt you
A ribbon tied to
Above it’s their time
Down here it’s our time
Ah, ah never say die

Live on, or be gone, or live on, or be gone
Or wake up, or break up, or wake up, or break up

Never say die

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