Текст песни Weezer - Why Bother?

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i know i should get next to you
you’ve got a look that made me think you’re cool
but it’s just sexual attraction
it’s nothing real
so i’d better keep whackin

why bother
it’s gonna hurt me
it’s gonna kill when you desert me
this happened to me twice before
won’t happen to me anymore

i’ve known a lotta girls before
what’s the harm in knowing one more?
maybe we could even get together
maybe you could break my heart next summer

why bother
it’s gonna hurt me
it’s gonna kill when you desert me
this happened to me twice before
won’t happen to me anymore

it’s a crying shame i’m all alone
not with you - nor her - nor anyone
won’t deny me of my head
crack it open and then i would share

why bother
it’s gonna hurt me
it’s gonna kill when you desert me
this happened to me twice before
won’t happen to me anymore

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