Текст песни 2hollis - light

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I had to walk up all your stairs
Feels so, feels so unfair
Can I be honest? Girl, I think I'm off it
Girl, you're taking away more than you're giving to me
You gotta stop it, you gotta stop it, you gotta

Play nice (Ooh), roll the dice
I've been losing my mind
Ah, I'm losing life, see the code in your eyes
Here we go, one more time (Hey)
Uh, we're playing nice, give me one more try
I can see your disguise
Uh, you kiss my lips, give me your light, light

Stop taking it away from me, from me (Give me all your light)
Stop taking it away from me, from me (Give me all your light)

I had to walk up all your stairs
Feels so, feels so unfair (Feels so unfair)
Can I be honest? (Can I bе honest?) Girl, I think I'm on it (Girl, I think I'm on it)
Girl, you're giving to me morе than you're taking away (More than you're taking away)
Don't stop it, don't stop it (Don't stop)

Play nice (Ooh), roll the dice
I've been losing my mind
Ah, I'm losing life, see the code in your eyes
Here we go, one more time (Ah)
Uh, we're playing nice, give me one more try
I can see your disguise
Uh, you kiss my lips, give me your light, light
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