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It's the return of the buried, emergin' from the dirt, so get ready
I just resurfaced to ensure you certainly weren't forgetting
The person you turned against
Gee, well, guess who's turf y'all are treading
I'm back to verbally murder and turn these people to memories
This very spots reserved for me, interminably permanently
I murk these beats with the words, I speak
Serve emcees mercilessly
You snakes ain't nothin' but worms to me
Just as soon as you turn on me
Have your crew steppin' nervously
Make 'em declare an emergency
Bitch, I'm up and well rested with a better perspective
Don't give a fuck 'bout a preference, if I said it I meant it
And I won't stop 'til I get my motherfuckin' respect
'Cause this is hip-hop, this is what I'm invested in
This is me, my mindset
I put the time in and work for what I get
And every minute I live, I'ma keep climbin'
And lettin' these birds get to flyin' 'cause I been
Dormant for too long, y'all let me get pressurized
If you wanna bring the heat, I'm finna let this pressure rise
Weaponize this pen of mine, express my mind with clever rhymes
Every time I get on the mic, it's like the set is mine
I was off track, I was lost bad, now I'm back
Grab a shot glass, man, lemme tell you where I'm at
I can see things clearer than before
It's the Catalyst 4 Glory, bitch, this is 44!
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Также принимается перевод песни «Intro (Catalyst 4 Glory)».
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