Текст песни A Year with Frog feat Toad - I'm Coming Out of My Shell

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I was always timid
I guess it was because
I may have been ashamed of who I am
Or what I was
I thought, ???I???m just a snail.
A lot of shell. A little goo.???
But all of that has changed,
As now the following is true
I got something I do
Something I???m proud of
Because I do it pretty well
Give me some room
I???m coming out of my shell
Get out the word
Find me a witness
Blow on a trumpet
Ring a bell
Holy smokes!
Look at me, folks!
I???m comin??? out of my shell
There were slugs who doubted me
I guess that made be nervous
I never even dared to dream of life in civil service
They said I wasn???t fast enough,
They said, ???Hey, you???re too gooey!???
But then I turned around and told them ???Phooey!
That???s all hooey!???
I was nothing but goo under the surface
Than everything began to gel
Holy cow!
Look at me now!
I???m comin??? out of my???
Yes, I deliver
I???m comin??? out of my???
I???m goin??? postal!
I???m comin??? out of my shell!

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