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Cry with a smile My heart is bleeding Bewildered I'm here alone Why is there in a beautiful moment? Why do I feel so lost, so empty?
Cry with a smile My heart is healing From pain I knew that would come Why stay locked in a deeply sad moment? Why do I feel so cold, so peaceful?
Take my heart and set it free Take my heart and give a time to heal I know, in my memories you'll live Take my heart a little while Take it with you to the place you'll go I know, we will meet again some day
Cry with a smile My heart was dreaming Of time I new would come to an end Why do I cry about a beautiful memory? Why do I feel so hurt, so lonely?
Take my heart and set it free Take my heart and give a time to heal I know, in my memories you'll live Take my heart a little while Take it with you to the place you'll go I know, we will meet again some day
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