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Acdc Miscellaneous Cyberspace Cyberspace Acdc (Stiff Upper Lip Tour Edition)
Oh yeah! High tail in your face Black hole rockin' the place Hong Kong videos Big bang mad to blow
Into cyberspace Look out I'm gonna race
Eight ball in the pack Big bone juke box jack Hot star burnin' it up Full moon runnin' amok
Into cyberspace Look out I'm gonna race
Blow you into cyberspace Blow you all into cyberspace
Gotta get out, get out of this place Blow a big hole into cyberspace
Octane down the track Flat chat smash the mach Blow out burnin' hot Mile high take you right to the top
Into cyberspace Look out I'm gonna race
Blow you into cyberspace Blow you all into cyberspace
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Также принимается перевод песни «Cyberspace».
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