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i'm not in love with you i told myself a thousand times nothing to save or lose still i can't get you out of my mind why can't i break away
i get lonely when you look at me stuck in the middle where nothing is real we were over before we began so if you're not the one how come i get lonely when you're not around i'm in without you i feel alone so if you're not the one how come you're the one how come you're the one
this ship is going down but i'm still holding on guess i should know by now you could do anything i'm to far gone why can't i break away
i get lonely when you look at me stuck in the middle where nothing is real we were over before we began so if you're not the one how come i get lonely when you're not around i'm in without you i feel alone so if you're not the one how come you're the one how come you're the one
the faster i run from you the closer i get to you we're lost in a million ways but it still feels like home
i get lonely when you look at me stuck in the middle where nothing is real we were over before we began so if you're not the one how come i get lonely when you're not around i'm in without you i feel alone so if you're not the one how come you're the one how come you're the one
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Также принимается перевод песни «How Come You Are The One».
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