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Crossing the threshold, finding
A vacant wasteland of my own
Every step predicating
Never ending suffering inside
The shadow's never fading
Stretched thin, the will to find resolve
A feeling unescaping
Never ending search to find
A life worth living
But only finding
Suffering inside of my own head
Watching the skies
Through virgin eyes
You'll see the smoke from the fire
But never see it expire
Then when it's gone
When your will is weak
That's when you'll finally see
The only one here is me
Scorched earth engulfing all that was to be;
That's when I finally see the only one here is me
Abandonment is my only solace
Accepting my never ending suffering inside of my own head
Your ghost I thought walked with me
Is just the shadow I fear
All other life has moved on
Yet I remain, set in stone;
Pathetic apathetic derelict of an age bygone
Watching the skies
As the clouds pass by
Where are the fires?
Did they expire?
Watching the skies
Through absent eyes
Blind by the smoke from the fire
Just biding time to expire
Your hope is gone
Your will is weak;
That's when you finally see
The only one here is me
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Также принимается перевод песни «Only One».
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