Текст песни Bad Fix - INTROSPECT

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[Verse 1]
False beliefs, the things people believe
Makes you question humanity
Some things I'll never understand
But I'll always question who's at hand
Government lies and hypocrisies
Trying to sell me something I don't really need
Makes you question humanity
It's just the things some people believe

Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And plеase come again!

[Verse 2]
Bedriddеn symptoms and left to decay
Is it worth it to get up anyway
Conditioned to suffer and to take the abuse
No hope for us all, or anytime soon
I wish for a day for when societies fall
But higher power is gonna kill us all
It's just another dumb game to them
Another game, that we'll never win

But thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!

Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!
Thank you for shopping
And please come again!

Тексты лучших песен Bad Fix

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