Текст песни Ben Platt - Fear Of Missing Out

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[Verse 1]
I don't fold
I've been working on saying no
Not tryna please a world I can't control
No proof for anybody else
But my pride is keeping me awake at night
I'm shutting down and losing sight
Of what I want for myself
So good at drowning voices out
Lost mine in the crowd

I'm not scared of missing parties
I can step back from the scene
I'm not scared of missing out on photo opportunities
I'm not scared of disappointing all the people I won't see
I'm afraid of holding myself back
From who I'm meant to be
I've got the fear of missing out on me

[Verse 2]
It's so hard
To tell the pressure and desire and apart
What comes from them and what's inside my heart?
Who's to say what's best?
All that matters is what's good for me
If it's instinct, if it's insеcurity
It could lead to happiness
Won't know til I say yes

I'm not scared of missing parties
I can step back from the scene
I'm not scared of missing out on photo opportunities
I'm not scared of disappointing all the people I won't see
I'm afraid of holding myself back
From who I'm meant to be
I've got the fear of missing out on me

Let their voices all ring out
Mine is just as loud

So I'll go out to some parties if that's where I wanna be
And I'll take a couple photos just to save a memory
There are people that I'll miss
And there are people that I'll see
But not one of them will hold me back
From who I'm meant to be
I'll kick the fear of missing out on me
I'll kick the fear of missing out on me

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