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There walked a lonely man, silent, mute, the only man not knowing how, not knowing why was he the sole survivor
why should he be alive, breathing still while others died and the only question why was he the sole survivor
Sole survivor, cursed with second sight Haunted saviour, cried into the night Sole survivor, cursed with second sight Haunted saviour, cried into the night
Wind blew across the sand He stood alone and he had no plan And with the last rays of the sun He screamed aloud, began to run
In his tears he sees his face I am the end of the human race When I'm gone there'll be no trace For I'm the sole survivor
Sole survivor, cursed with second sight Haunted saviour, cried into the night Sole survivor, cursed with second sight Haunted saviour, cried into the night
One night when years had passed The skies shook from a fiery blast And there a starship - safe at last! To come rescue this survivor
They beckoned him inside but only man, he would not ride instead he found a place to hide for he's the sole survivor
Sole survivor, cursed with second sight Haunted saviour, cried into the night Sole survivor, cursed with second sight Haunted saviour, cried into the night
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