Текст песни Bonnie McKee - Stars in Your Heart

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[Verse 1]
You're dressed to kill be you've got nowhere to go
Just waiting on your heart to call
There is a rumble in the streets of your soul
But you don't care at all

Empty halls and empty feeling abound
And everything you start you stall
I'm right behind you if you just turn around
I'll never let you fall

Go to the ends of the earth
You'll never find a love like me
Take my hand I will help you see

That after the world is frozen
And after the sun goes out
I'll keep you warm
Here in my arms

When you think the spell is broken
When you think the magic's gone
I'll be the one to collect all the stars in your heart

[Verse 2]
You've won the fight but you've got nothing to show
Just choking on the velvet rope
Those disco lights can leaving you feeling so low
But I will give you hope, yes I will

Go to the ends of the earth
You'll never find a love like me
Take my hand I will help you see

That after the world is frozen
And after the sun goes out
I'll keep you warm
Here in my arms

When you think the spell is broken
When you think the magic's gone
I'll be the one to collect all the stars in your heart

I'll be the one to collect all the stars in your heart again
Stick with me and I will help you see

That after the world is frozen
And after the sun goes out
I'll keep you warm
Here in my arms

When you think the spell is broken
When you think the magic's gone
I'll be the one to collect all the stars in your heart
So baby stick with me
I'll be the one to collect all the stars in your heart
In your heart
I'll collect all the stars now

Oh yeah
I'll be the one to
So stick with me
I'll be the one
I'll be the one
I'll be the one
I'll be the one

Другие песни Bonnie McKee

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