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Hello and welcome to the instructional audio series of Rock Vocal Power, shout
With this easy to use, step-by-step audio program You too will be able to sing like the pros Here, you will learn all of the current trendy vocal techniques Used by virtually all of today's chart-busters
I'm sure you're thinking "How can I learn to sing like one of today's rock singers When I can't sing at all?" Well, it's not so hard with Rock Vocal Power
For just six easy installments of just $69.95 You'll get one instructional method And this method breaks down the techniques Of today's hot vocalists So that you can learn at your own pace Just listen to these testimonials by satisfied customers
When I started as a bar singer playing Pearl Jam covers I wasn't quite able to capture the essence Of a singer's voice, you know, till I bought Rock Vocal Power
Now I've sold almost fifty million zillion records worldwide And my own original music band, Praise the Lord You too can learn from this amazing series How to unlock the vocal treasure chest that awaits inside you
Who's there? Why, it's golden platinum And it too can be yours but that's not all For no extra charge we'll throw in a few extra methods Like the pickle-in-mouth technique
The Cookie Monster And the ever popular "Hey, look at me I can't sing, so run me through me the computer"
I can't sing so good Just think, with Rock Vocal Power You'll never have to sound like this guy again
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Также принимается перевод песни «Rock Vocal Power».
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