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Awakening from a thousand years of sleep
My garden poisoned
By a selfish blight
Drunk on avarice, full of spite
Far from grace you've fallen
All I gave
You desecrate
Only humbled
When it’s too late
I turn the page
On this curse they call humanity
As I tear the sun from the sky
And cast you all to oblivion
Feel my hand, sweep across the burning sand
My locusts swarming
As I descend, spreading sickness on the wind
I'll breathe no warning
The earth will shake
The seas will rage
The winds will roar
Howling nevermore
I turn the page
On this curse they call humanity
As I tear the sun from the sky
And cast you all to oblivion
Quassum Terrae
I turn the page
On this curse they call humanity
As I tear the sun from the sky
And cast you all to oblivion
I turn the page
On this curse they call humanity
As I tear the sun from the sky
And cast you all to oblivion
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