Текст песни Collective Soul - Hey Man

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Hey, man, you've been getting in my face
I say, hey, man, I live for peace and faith

Got no sense of purpose
Got no sense defined
Got no sense of nothing, sir
Except your petty lies

I say, hey, man, you've been taking all my time
I say, hey, man, I'm taking back what's mine

Got no sense of blood
Got no sense of love
Got no sense of nothing, sir
God, I've had enough

I said, hey, man, you've been getting in my face
I said, hey, man, I live for peace and faith

I said, hеy, man, you've been taking all my time
I said, hey, man, I'm taking back what's minе

Hey, man, you've been getting in my face
I said, hey, man, I live for peace and faith
I said, hey, man, you've been taking all my time
I said, hey, man, I'm taking back what's mine
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