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If the search has been long and futile and brutal And if you squint trying to reconnect the bosom of your hood rum love (hey baby) You reach out and into the absence and gasping The vastness grabs you like an alien embrace Your face to it's face No end and neither beginning you're spinning Your breathless orb but in a dark and hateful star An evil world Where would I ever be without you? How could I hope to seize the tablet of values and redact it? Foolish I know but I'm about to die About to die
Your life must surely be ending and trembling You realize you never lived a day at all (Wait) And it's all your fault (Wow) It all seems unspeakably vile and while You wretch the memory above, you understood The vandal lies into his hood Where would I ever be without you? How could I hope to seize the tablet of values and redact 'em? Foolish I know but I'm about to die About to die
Look there the goblins dressed up like a wound Mutants are vagrant and hateful Look there the mirror a zombie stands staring Vacant and glaring pronouncing your name As you're saying
About to die
Where would I ever be without you? (No fucking clue) How could I hope to seize the tablet of values and redact it? Foolish I know but I'm about to die About to die
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