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Talk is cheap, but it can’t pay For all the hurt you threw my way Oh, no - Oh, no
Love is blind but I can see You’re trying to make a fool of me I know - I know
Sometimes I feel just like I’m running on ice I might slip and slide girl, but you won’t hurt me twice, oh no
CHORUS No matter what you say You’ll never stop me Breaking down the walls around your heart No matter what you do You just can’t stop me Breaking down the walls around your heart
Love is passion, love is pain The heat is on, we’re all insane I know, I know
Life is bitter, life is sweet You just can’t ever admit defeat Oh, no - oh, no
Sometimes it feels like we’ve been fighting too long It can’t be right to make me feel so wrong - oh, no
Did you ever feel like superman Got the world in your hands But you never can Seem to break down the walls
Did you ever feel like a drowning man Got your life in your hands But you never can Seem to break down the walls
Sometimes it feels just like I’m running on ice I might slip and slide girl But you won’t hurt me twice - oh, no
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