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(lyrics: LoSicco ’96-’97)
[ A scene of time flashes across the mind of the ancient one, defender and chosen soul above all by SHE. One of the isochronal encounters of Night’s Warrior. Forever, the solitary legatee of HER gift and raptured soul unto SHE, he engages the weakened forces of light in the eternal affray…forever to be champion! ] Upon the sea of time I ride… to stay abreast of rising tides I cast a scorn-filled glance about this body black through which I pass Time of the Gathering disseminated troops advance upon the source Source of the pale and the jewel of the night Lead by HER desire SHE twists their threads to knot When at her peak in full & high While I have she to be my guide I will but champion the night! And rend my odium to (the) rest Hour at hand a force arrives with blades in hand And in their haste a claim to SHE is made to which I stand And ending yet another’s quest the moon-bleached flesh is all that stands avoiding cosmic undertow my thoughts change course immortal beauty embracing me and beckons forth a brighter thread unseen by all when burst into existence her silver lips upon my brow as praise to crimson glory so enchanting in her lust in rapture to her bidding “Find in me your way through this…” “My gifts are yours to wield alone” avoiding cosmic undertow my thoughts change course immortal beauty embracing me …A pounding Lust to know her face A life to glimpse her shade As candle’s wick may burn to end So quickly does light fade…
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