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She was a shy girl from the lonely street She had no job to do and no friends to meet She’d sit in silence in her rented room Dream of her childhood and invented truths
And in her mind she’d drift away A secret place to steal away
Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes
He was a good boy from the upside of town Said her could treat her right said he could win her round Her morning sickness and the kick inside The phantom kisses of the phantom bride
And in her mind she’d drift away A secret place to steal away
Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes
And in her mind she’d drift away A secret place to steal away Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes No more lies Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears from your eyes Don’t you cry, don’t you cry Let me wipe away the tears Let me wipe away the tears
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Также принимается перевод песни «Phantom Bride».
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