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We are private detectives onward back from a musical pilgrimage We work under the name of the Fall. Who would suspect this? It is too obvious. Our office is secluded. Those there to suspect Would not see the wood for the trees We were six like dice but we’re back to five Up here in the North there are no wage packet jobs for us Thank Christ While young married couples discuss the poverties Of their self-built traps And the junior clergy demand more cash We spit in their plate and wait for the ice to melt
I must create a new regime Or live by another man’s Before the moon falls I must create a new scheme And get out of others’ hands Before the moon falls
I could use some pure criminals And get my hands on some royalties Before the moon falls
A problem of this new scheme Is answering obscene phone calls Before the moon falls
Gotta stop drifting around Kill this ugly duckling We’ve got the power And must not misuse it Cos life is short and full of thought I use the power
And will forever end this reign of terror Before the moon falls Before the tide subsides Before the moon falls for the fifth time Before The Fall swoons
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