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[Verse 1]
When they dressed me and they put me on a plane to Memphis, well
I never got to see Elvis
I just sweated it out in a hotel room
But I think the king would have understood
Why I never made it to Graceland
The bathroom towels were cool against my head
I pressed my forehead to the floor and prayed for a trapdoor
I've been here many times before
But I've never made it to Graceland
And if I make it to the mornin'
I should've come with a warnin'
And if I make it to the stage
I'll show you what it means
To be sad
[Verse 2]
Well, pick me up in New Orleans
Pinned in a bathroom stall
Pick me up above my body
Press my corpse against the wall
I told the band to leave without me
I'll get the next flight
And I'll see you all with Elvis
If I don't survive the night
If I make it to the mornin'
I should've come with a warnin'
And if I make it to the stage
I'll show you what it means
To be sad
And if they'd ever tore us where I quit
It's all the boys now, this is it
But the calm, it always comes
In the songs like children
Begging to be born
But, oh, I guess I got my wish
Anything, anything, anything but this
If I make it to the mornin'
I should've come with a warnin'
But if I make it to the stage
I'll show you what it means
To be sad
Oh, you know I'm still afraid
I'm still crazy and I'm still scared
But if I make it to the stage
I'll show you what it means
To be spared
To be spared
To be spared
To be spared
To be spared
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Также принимается перевод песни «Morning Elvis».
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