Текст песни Gabrielle - Sorry

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(I never stopped, never stopped loving you)
(I never stopped, never stopped loving you)

[Verse 1]
Sorry doesn't cut it
You have to know I'm gutted
Will I ever get the chance again?
I'm hoping that you change your mind
All your friends say give it time
Heat of the moment regret
I said things I should never have said

I'm sorry for all the things I did that you can't forgive
How I made you cry every sleepless nights
And I'm sorry that I lost your trust by disrespecting us
Now I pay the price, thе price is high

[Verse 2]
Sorry doesn't cut it
This isn't what I wanted
Will I еver get your heart again?
Don't misunderstand me
I'm exactly where I should be
On the outside, looking in
There's enough space where I should've been

I'm sorry for all the things I did that you can't forgive
How I made you cry every sleepless nights
And I'm sorry that I lost your trust by disrespecting us
Now I pay the price, the price is high

I'm really, really sorry
I'm really, really sorry now
I'm standing here alone
Hoping you can help me out
I don't know what to do
But I never stopped loving you
Tell me, what I gotta do?
I never stopped loving you
(Never stopped, never stopped)
'Cause I
I'm really, really sorry now
I'm sorry now
'Cause I
I'm really, really sorry now
I'm sorry now

I'm sorry
I'm sorry now
I'm sorry now
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