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There was a bad boy in the school yard Waited on you every day Seemed like every time you turned around Well he was standin’ in your way Well he broke your glasses The girls all laughed As he pushed you to the floor But then you stood up one day knowin’ You couldn’t stand it anymore And your gentle hand was finally clenched in rage You were face to face Face to face with the devil that you’ve been dreadin’ Eye to eye finally has arrived But bad as it was, well now brother wasn’t it better Dealin’ with him face to face Your date showed up with flowers And you thought your dreams had come But with every passing hour You felt it come undone Then the night exploded and you begged him no But he forever changed your life And now he waits a judge and jury Thinkin’ you’ll break down inside And with a finger you can put his fists away And you’re face to face Face to face with the devil that you’ve been dreadin’ Eye to eye finally has arrived But bad as it was, well little sister wasn’t it better Dealin’ with him face to face ’Cause it’ll never go away Until the fear that you are runnin’ from is finally embraced Drivin’ by the grave yard On a wicked winter’s eve And you’re wonderin’ why a man of faith Is whistlin’ nervously Then you stop the car And you hold your heart ’Cause you finally realize Hell, the devil ain’t in the darkness He’s a’rattlin’ ’round inside And with folded hands you truly start to pray And you’re face to face Face to face with the devil that you’ve been dreadin’ Eye to eye finally has arrived But bad as it was, well now brother wasn’t it better Dealin’ with him face to face ’Cause it’ll never go away Until the fear that you are runnin’ from is finally embraced Face to face
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