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Guided By Voices Miscellaneous Taco, Buffalo, Birddog and Jesus Taco, Buffalo, Birddog and Jesus Taking the ??? to see ??? guidebook The hairiest thing we'd agree
They'd been driving a pickup from Plymouth ??? holes in his jeans As they whistled the spirits above them The circus matures beneath(?)
Irrepressable ??? of peoples ???the others he knows But the ones who ??? nice people Into the black smoking hole Nobody opens his eyes It's hard to look up in the sun And so ??? shove them along
In the cross ??? apple Something will carry us a long Takes a hell of a ??? sunday And stays till the boat swings along Nobody opens his eyes It's hard to look up to the sun And so ???
Beyond the bars and ??? of mid-western factory towns People ??? Some of us think it odd that a large percentage of bona-fide miracles were witnessed today But I've seen Taco take a big long drag off his self whittled pipe and sit back and laugh Rednecks hugging and buying each other drinks And then Jesus blows the clouds away with one puff Crawls back into his cage and goes to sleep
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