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I keep my secrets locked up tight I keep my emotions out of sight But you got me memorized What’s in my heart and what’s behind my eyes You hold me tight you hold me fast Won’t let go until the storm has passed And when I finally break down I’m so in love I ain’t afraid to ask I am not afraid Baby love me out, love me out of this world No alibis no more regrets You’re my wayward angel You’re my saving grace Sanctify my crazy head
You’re there inside me in my dreams Sexy poems cinematic scenes Shattered lullabies unfold, sweet suggestions I have never known Pull down the shade turn off the light Oh my love we’re all alone tonight Shadow dancing in slow-mo For your eyes I will let it show You can feel me glow Baby love me out, love me out of this world No alibis no more regrets You’re my wayward angel You’re my saving grace Sanctify my crazy head
Maybe it’s heaven or your sweet suggestion holding me in your sway Carried away in the arms of an angel You are my saving grace Baby love me out, love me out of this world No alibis no more regrets You’re my wayward angel You’re my saving grace Sanctify my crazy head
Baby love me out now, love me out of this world No alibis no more regrets You’re my wayward angel You’re my saving grace Sanctify my crazy head
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