Текст песни Helen Baylor -
Highly Recommended [Remastered Version]
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Billy was afraid to make a decision on his own.
He was told ever since he was a boy, he didn't measure up.
He learned over the years to put up a good fight.
But deep inside it was hard to love or trust anyone.
In, into his life you came gently and he was mended
He flashes a genuine smile as he tells the world all about it. Hey!
You are Highly Recommended (you hold the key to making us free)
Lisa was a beauty queen, the girl had everything.
She had fine cars, she wore the latest styles a new toy every week.
She learned over the years to put up a good fight.
But secretly she was trying to hide, her emptiness inside.
In, into her life you came gently and he was mended
She flashes a genuine smile as she tells the world all about it. Hey!
You are Highly Recommended (you hold the key to making us free)
Billy was afraid to make a decision on his own.
He was told ever since he was a boy, he didn't measure up.
He learned over the years to put up a good fight.
But deep inside it was hard to love or trust anyone.
In, into his life you came gently and he was mended
He flashes a genuine smile as he tells the world all about it. Hey!
You are Highly Recommended (you hold the key to making us free)
Lisa was a beauty queen, the girl had everything.
She had fine cars, she wore the latest styles a new toy every week.
She learned over the years to put up a good fight.
But secretly she was trying to hide, her emptiness inside.
In, into her life you came gently and he was mended
She flashes a genuine smile as she tells the world all about it. Hey!
You are Highly Recommended (you hold the key to making us free)
He can do the same for you,
If you only give him half a chance.
He's the sun the shining one,
He's a real good friend.
You are Highly Recommended
(You hold the key to making us free)
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Также принимается перевод песни «Highly Recommended [Remastered Version]».
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