Текст песни Heresy Denied -
Together We Stand As One
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Too long have I stared at the past I couldn't save
Only your eyes have seen who I really am
You helped me to save my world, so I will save yours
Searching for a ray of hope as we walk through the darkest road
I have tasted the source, it has granted me fortitude
Obstacles in my path have been ground to dust
We have defeated our fears
Liberation’s echo reflects from the walls of doubt
Together we fall, togethеr we rise
Togethеr we stand as one
Tenacity is the key to the gates of this prison
Freed from the shackles of disdain we proudly march
Side by side
Break the chains of everlasting torment
We don’t have to be slaves of our demons
Freedom came at a price of a common struggle through hell
Scenario written in blood that was shed in suffering
Lungs burned, suffocating from the sulfur of solitude
Unleash thyself from the misery
Let me help you overcome all the doubts
(Let me help you, let me help you)
Do not lose the chance for another breath
You have to vanquish this cursed labyrinth
Our awakening is beyond their control
Nothing can stop us now
We have defeated our fears
Liberation’s echo reflects from the walls of doubt
Together we fall, together we rise
Together we stand as one
The empathy I have is a gift from you
It will keep me striding through
Inner scars, the ones that cannot be seen
Feelings torn out, bereft of shelter
Body drained out of life
Will you be able to follow me to the end despite these wounds?
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