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A ten ton brick is making me sick Breaking my bones with the weight of it Weight would grow with each new soul Buried fine lies make big black holes
Who am I supposed to be? Not like you give a fuck about me but Who am I supposedly When I'm finally done
'Cause I'm finally done With the decisions of My former thoughts and all that I'm made of Yet I'm finally done with the description, oh And I don't mind saying I'm to blame
When Atlas slipped, I lost my grip Yet I didn't think it could turn into this but I was told by two sweet crows Nobody feels what nobody knows and
Who am I supposed to be? If everything good was taken from me and Who am I supposed to be I was overcome
But I'm finally done With the divisions of My former thorns with who I may have loved I'm finally done With the dissension, oh And I don't mind saying Don't mind saying I'm to blame
Oh, this ten ton brick Would treat me like shit This little piggy licked all those lips, yeah And so defined Who threw aside but won't encumber me
'Cause I'm finally done With the position of My former thorns And all that it may have cost
I'm finally done With the decisions, love Now I don't mind saying I don't mind saying You're to blame
When you move, you move me You move, you move me yeah
Nothing comes from nothing Must mean something in the end Justify the means I need to break you Need to hate you Need to take this back but Taking is like giving If you're at the other end I won't pretend to know your feelings I could never break the chain I command you to move
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