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Music: AbbathLyrics: Demonaz
Shadowed you fall Iced soul in the shivering sphere Bestial sound of wintercall Bitter cold comes whispering Noctambulance spread its wings Snowtombed darkness circling Demons claws in wind Everlasting souls on ice Cast for the nebular worlds
Demons of endless time In the uplifting aurora borealis of cold A trinity of might is born Uphead us masters of demons roar
By glacial uttermess we view your spirits Windswept forever the northerly hemi- sphere Noctambulant
Frozened in the wintergate Shadowed you fall Iced soul in the shivering sphere Bestial sound of wintercall Bitter cold comes whispering Noctambulance spread its wings Rule the everlasting souls on ice Cast for the nebular worlds
Demons of endless time In the uplifting aurora borealis of cold A trinity of might is born Uphead us masters of demons roar
By glacial uttermess we view your spirits Windswept forever the northerly hemi- sphere
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