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(Music: Abbath - Lyrics: Demonaz)
A black day dawn at horizon where winter hearts our battlefields the ultimate frostage desire snowflurry drifts these plains Since the blast of primaries we’ve conquered against the storm throning with will and the sound of battle never ends...
Tragedies blows at horizon : we ride as one our battle rages on... Tragedies blows at horizon : we die as one our battle rages on...
Thundering coloums of fire majestic against the breeze Gleaming my scepter at hand the wind altogether silent Frozen of heart awaken from a time and risen by the dying breeze and the sound of battle never ends...
Tragedies blows at horizon : we ride as one our battle rages on... Tragedies blows at horizon : we die as one our battle rages on...
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