Текст песни Insatanity -
Sowing The Seeds Of Discord
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I don’t believe a word you say You lying, worthless motherfuckers
You spread your twisted version of the truth Like a disease through the population
Infecting everyone you come into contact with
Stop feeding us your lies
You’re a group of pompous asses Unthinking automatons Spouting forth your ignorance Lying to our faces Do you take us for fools? We see right through your deception
You drive a wedge between the people of this world You’ve spent your life sowing the seeds of discord
Divide and conquer Your method of control Keep us all in fear Keep us fighting each other
Hear what you want us to hear See what you want us to see Controlling our subjective reality
Disinforming Desensitizing Creating apathy Draining our energy
Hear what you want us to hear See what you want us to see Controlling our subjective reality
Divide and conquer Your method of control Keep us all in fear Keep us fighting each other
Misery magnified Suffering glorified
You drive a wedge between the people of this world You’ve spent your life sowing the seeds of discord
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