Текст песни Iron Maiden -
Stranger In A Strange Land
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Was many years ago that I left home and came this way I was a young man, full of hopes and dreams But now it seems that all is lost and nothing gained Sometimes things ain’t what they seem No brave new world, no brave new world No brave new world, no brave new world Night and day I scan horizon, sea and sky My spirit wanders endlessly until the day will dawn and friends from home discover why Hear me calling, rescue me Set me free, set me free Lost in this place, and leave no trace
Stranger in a strange land, land of ice and snow Trapped here in this prison, lost and far from home One hundred years have gone and men again they came that way To find the answer to the mystery They found his body lying where it fell that day Preserved in time for all to see No brave new world, no brave new world Lost in this place, and leave no trace
What became of the men that started, all are gone and souls departed Left me here in this place so all alone
Stranger in a strange land, land of ice and snow Trapped inside this prison, lost and far from home (3:18-Slow solo: Adrian Smith) (3:50-Fast solo: Adrian Smith)
What became of the men that started, all are gone and souls departed Left me here in this place so all alone
Stranger in a strange land, land of ice and snow Trapped inside this prison, lost and far from home Stranger in a strange land, land of ice and snow Trapped inside this prison, lost and far from home
Stranger in a strange land, lost and far from home Trapped inside this prison, lost and far from home
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