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(Murray, Bayley, Harris)
My telescope looks out into the stars tonight A little speck of light seems twice the size tonight The calculations are so fine, can it be growing all the time? Now I can’t believe it’s true, and I don’t know what to do For the hundredth time I check the declination Now the fear starts to grow, even my computer shows There are no errors in the calculations
Now it’s happened, take no other view Collision course, you must believe it’s true Now there’s nothing left that we can do
When two worlds collide The anger and the pain of all those who remain, two worlds collide Who will be left alive, no place to hide when two worlds collide The anger, the pain, of those who remain when two worlds collide When two worlds collide, so who will survive There’s no place to hide, when two worlds collide (3:03-Solo: Dave Murray) (3:30-Solo: Janick Gers)
Now it’s happened, take no other view Collision course, you must believe it’s true Now there’s nothing left that we can do
When two worlds collide The anger and the pain of all those who remain, two worlds collide Who will be left alive, no place to hide when two worlds collide The anger, the pain, of those who remain when two worlds collide When two worlds collide, so who will survive There’s no place to hide, when two worlds collide When two worlds collide The anger, the pain, of those who remain when two worlds collide When two worlds collide, so who will survive There’s no place to hide, when two worlds collide When two worlds collide, the anger the pain When two worlds collide, when two worlds collide
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