Текст песни James Bourne -
Ticket Outta Loserville
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"Ticket Outta Loserville"
When I go to sleep I pray I’m waking up to I got you babe Like the guy from Groundhog Day Just wanna live forever this way Flash back to seventeen Got my ass kicked by the football team Another Loser on the scene Every guy with a chick I fancy
I asked you out for losing truth or dare The guys were cracking up ‘til you said yes
Pinch me, is this real? I’m on a one way ticket out of loserville Now I’m off the social flat line Things are so good that I’m Taking down my star trek shrine And you’re more than just my valentine You’re my ticket outta loserville
She gives me butterflies Says I’m not like all the other guys Doesn’t care what car I drive She still enjoys the ride
When I got to sleep I know That you’ll be there tomorrow And it gives me vertigo It was just a week ago that
I asked you out for losing truth or dare The guys were cracking up ‘til you said yes
Pinch me, is this real? I’m on a one way ticket out of loserville Now I’m off the social flat line Things are so good that I’m Taking down my star-trek shrine
You blew me out on a Sunday night You were bored to tears pretending Knew what you wanted and I’m nothing like the guy in your happy ending
Well you were wrong to lead me on Now in the night I wake up screaming Where the hell did I go wrong? Where’s Scotty when you need him?
Pinch me, is this real? I’m on a one way ticket back to loserville Heading for the social flat line Things are so that bad I’m dusting off my star trek shrine
This is where it ends and I can taste the glory How can I depend On a better story maybe? Knew it could of saved me Think about her all the time It’s like I never had her valentine So I guess I better kiss goodbye to my ticket outta loserville
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