Текст песни John Grant - All That School for Nothing

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All That School for Nothing Lyrics
I lost my patience several decades ago
Around the time I was in utero
They taught me all about hyenas and vultures
I saw them worshiping their tyrants with sculptures

It takes Olympic-level intestinal fortitude
To watch what you are doing to your food
I'd rather watch a seagull swallow a rabbit
You see an opportunity
So, you grab it

All that school for nothing
Heavens' to Betsy
Baby, you're really something
All that therapy and money down the toilet
I could tell you your future but I don't wanna spoil it

I got the seven-year itch about 2 minutes in
When they told me 'bout the concept of original sin
I learned a lot watching the films of Stanley Kubrick
I saw them worshiping large pieces of fabric

All that school for nothing
Heavens' to Betsy
Baby, you're really something
All that therapy and money down the toilet
I could tell you your future but I don't wanna spoil it
You're not honest, you're just a prick

All that school for nothing
Heavens' to Betsy
Baby, you're really something
All that therapy and money down the toilet
I could tell you your future but I don't wanna spoil it

All that school for nothing
Heavens' to Betsy
Baby, you're really something
All that therapy and money down the toilet
I could tell you your future but I don't wanna spoil it
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