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Lake Tahoe Cold mountain water Don't ever swim there Just stand on the edge and look in there And you might see a woman down there They say some days, up she comes, up she rises, as if out of nowhere Wearing Victorian dress. She was calling her pet: "Snowflake! Snowflake!" Tumbling like a cloud that has drowned in the lake Just like a poor, porcelain doll... Her eyes are open but no one's home
The clock has stopped So long she's gone No one's home Her old dog is sleeping His legs are frail now But when he dreams, He runs... Along long beaches and sticky fields Through the Spooky Wood looking for her. The beds are made. The table is laid. The door is open, someone is calling - it's a woman: "Here boy, here boy! You've come home! I've got an old bone and a biscuit and so much love Miss me? Did you miss me? Here's the kitchen - there's your basket Here's the hall - that's where you wait for me Here's the bedroom - you're not allowed in there Here's my lap - that's where you rest your head Here boy, oh you're a good boy You've come home You've come home"
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