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I remember it was that Wednesday Oh when it rained and it rained They traipsed mud all over the house It took hours and hours to scrub it out All over the hall carpet I took my mop and my bucket And I cleaned and I cleaned The kitchen floor Until it sparkled Then I took my laundry basket And put all the linen in it And everything I could fit in it All our dirty clothes that hadn’t gone into the wash And all your shirts and jeans and things And put them in the new washing machine Washing machine Washing machine
I watched them going ’round and ’round My blouse wrapping itself around your trousers Oh the waves are going out My skirt floating up around my waist As I wade out into the surf Oh and the waves are coming in Oh and the waves are going out Oh and you’re standing right behind me Little fish swim between my legs Oh and the waves are coming in Oh and the waves are going out Oh and the waves are coming in Out of the corner of my eye I think I see you standing outside But it’s just your shirt Hanging on the washing line Waving it’s arm as the wind blows by And it looks so alive Nice and white Just like it’s climbed right out of my washing machine Washing machine Washing machine
Slooshy sloshy slooshy sloshy Get that dirty shirty clean Slooshy sloshy slooshy sloshy Make those cuffs and collars gleam Everything clean and shiny
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