Здесь вы найдете слова песни Kate Nash - Wasteman. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Kate Nash - Wasteman и его перевод.
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[Verse 1]
Every time you tell me that you're feeling down
You don't wanna talk, you only wanna hit that brown
Every time you tell me that you're feeling down
You don't wanna talk, you only wanna hit that brown
I'm not about it
I'm on my own shit
I'm not about it
I'm on my own shit
On my own shit
[Verse 2]
Every time you tell me that you hate me
You don't seem to leave, just wanna berate me
Every time you make up some excuse
It gets more ridiculous, time to face the truth
Every time I look inside the mirror
I can see that girl, I think I used to be her
I'm not about it
I'm on my own shit
I'm not about it
I'm on my own shit
On my own shit
I'm not about it
I'm on my own shit
[Verse 3]
Took me some time to see
You'rе actually shady
You fucking take the piss
I must have been crazy
You wеre a waste of time
You had the wasted mind
Where did you go that night?
You didn't treat me right
Now I recognize myself again
I can see from all the way up here
You're just a wasteman, yeah
You're just a wasteman
You're just a wasteman, yeah
You're just a wasteman
You made my shoulders ache
I need a chiropractor
You made me frown so much
Gotta get some growth factor
You're just a wasteman, I fully disrespect
Your shitty Wi-Fi, I'm gonna have to disconnect
I'm gonna have to disconnect
Now I recognize myself again
I can see from all the way up here
You're just a wasteman, yeah
You're just a wasteman
You're just a wasteman, yeah
You're just a wasteman
(Gonna need a fucking dongle to deal with you, mate)
You're just a wasteman
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