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Tell the hordes
I've come to save them all
Could their souls be dead or why can't I hear their words?
Goddess of time
Always by my side
Faithless redemption
Is this what they have been praying for?
Black flags of the gods
Slay the hand that feeds us
Born to die, anti at heart
Empires bow to the killer
Killer of Jesus
To the killer, killer of Jesus
Incarnate on earth to free us all
Tell the world
I shall plant the seed
Down where the victims fell for ancient divine wisdoms
Dibbuks of Wrath
Always by my side
Empires of Mammon
No longer binds the darkness
Black flags of the gods
Slay the hand that feeds us
Born to die, anti at heart
Soul liberator, I'm the killer
Killer of Jesus
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
Incarnate on earth to free us all
I am hunting down diabolic kings
(Hunt!) This terror they call faith
(Hunt!) I will end your reign among them
(Hunt!) To those who bring death over us
(Hunt!) They dominate our cultures
(Hunt!) But our hope was not erased
(Hunt!) I will never stand in silence
(Hunt!) Without doing anything
I will end you!
I have come to save them all
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
I'm the killer, killer of Jesus
Incarnate on earth to free us all
Tell the world I've come to save them all
I was born to kill
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Также принимается перевод песни «Killer Of Jesus».
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