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Films will come and films will go That kiss on your neck won't show
Posing in the same place every time When you're still speaking in the sunshine
Watching TV at 4 am But that's not when she needs a friend Staring at the bathroom floor Please don't say you've got to go
Posing at the same place to put things right In your eyes, we're meeting in the morning light
You've done it again, you've done it before That kiss on your neck won't show
Watching TV at 4 am But that's not when she needs a friend Staring at the bathroom floor Please don't say you've got to go
Watching TV at 4 am But that's not when she needs a friend Loose change from your pocket on the floor Please don't say you've got to go
Cheap thrills that this time I clasp Cheap thrills that you'll dream about
You've done it again, you've done it before That kiss on your neck won't show
Watching TV at 4 am But that's not when she needs a friend Staring at the bathroom floor Please don't say you've got to go
Watching TV at 4 am But that's not when she needs a friend Loose change from your pocket on the floor Please don't say you've got to go
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Также принимается перевод песни «AM TV».
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