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Maybe we could go to Coney Island Maybe I could sing the national anthem Buy a white sweater for the last white day Of the summer
Buy my purple wig For my mermaid video Walk back to where I live In my motel On Neptune Avenue.
You call me Lavender, you call me Sunshine You say take it off, take it off You call me Lavender, you call me Sunshine You say take it off, take it off
Maybe we could go to Sway/Suede(?) Tokyo We'll see Van Halen at their re-union show. Heavy metal hour on T.V. Diamond Dave and Ray late And you salute me, Miss America Because I am, I am
You call me Lavender, you call me Sunshine You say take it off, take it off You call me Lavender, you call me Sunshine You say take it off, take it off
Maybe we could go to Coney Island Maybe I could sing you to sleep God bless the universe, god bless the ocean God bless you and god bless me God bless you and god bless me
You call me Lavender, you call me Sunshine You say take it off, take it off You call me Lavender, you call me Sunshine You say take it off, take it off
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