Текст песни Lilithzplug - Wondering In Wonderland

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You wanna drag me out to talk in therapy-py-py
There's something really scaryin' your way, then on the need, need, need

Talking to cat up in the tunnel path
There's a prickle on my finger, it won't be a lot
Asking, "How" to strangers watching faces pass
Girl, you're not for closure, and I'm lookin' glam
(Talking to cat up in the tunnel path)
(There's a prickle on my finger, it won't be a lot)
(Asking, "How" to strangers watching faces pass)
(Girl, you're not for closure, and I'm lookin' glam)

But, if I stayed-ed (Yeah, yeah)
You know it's driving me insane-ane (Yeah, yeah)
You know it's wrong to leave this place-ace (Yeah, yeah)
You know I gotta get away-ay (Yeah, yeah)
I can't keep wondering, I can't keep wondering still
Can't keep wondering, I can't keep wondering still
Can't keep wondering, I can't keep wondering still
I can't keep wondering still

(Talking to cat up in the tunnel path)
(There's a prickle on my finger, it won't be a lot)
(Asking, "How" to strangers watching faces pass)
(Girl, you're not for closure, and I'm lookin' glam)

But, if I stayed-ed (Yeah, yeah)
You know it's driving me insane-ane (Yeah, yeah)
You know it's wrong to leave this place-ace (Yeah, yeah)
You know I gotta get away-ay (Yeah, yeah)
I can't keep wondering, I can't keep wondering still
Can't keep wondering, I can't keep wondering still
Can't keep wondering, I can't keep wondering still
I can't keep wondering still

(Yeah-eeh, yeah-eeh)
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