Текст песни Local Natives - Hourglass

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I don't know how to reach you
Is there nothing I can say?
Am I wasting time?
Am I getting nowhere?

[Verse 1]
So tell me where to meet you
The holy ground is commonplace
I wanna throw my arms around
And say, "It's been a long day"
So many long days
We tie ourselves in knots
Trying not to let go

And the sun is out
And I'm on my way home
And the sun is out
And I'm on my way home
And the sun is out
And I'm on my way home

[Verse 2]
But only when the skies are filled
With clouds are they called heavens
What I know now, I didn't then
I know you wish I could forget
We're drawing lines in the sand
Inside an hourglass

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