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[Verse 1]
If you would've told me I'd throw away my purity ring in the middle of an airport
My younger self would laugh, would never believe that
It's against everything that we stood for
She'd hate that I've smoked weed and cuss frequently
And she'd try to convert everyone I call a "bestie"
You'll throw shots in the dark, then black out at a bar
There'll be good, then there'll be bad parts
Someday, you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic
Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic
Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions
And talk about your traumas
And like the body you live in
Someday, you'll learn to keep your own secrets
Say you're doing okay and really mean it
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you
For a while you might not like her, but I do
[Verse 2]
Some days feel like whiplash, one-eighties
And you'll hate that you'll label yourself just to take it back
Convinced you're not bi 'cause you're way too into guys
And the first time you have sex, you'll cry
You'll sometimes skip meals and numb how you feel
And you'll miss the old you, but here's the deal
That good girl you were was really fucking bad at being real
Someday, you'll kiss a girl and you'll panic
Some guy'll break your heart and you'll feel manic
Then you'll learn to let people have their opinions
And talk about your traumas
And like the body you live in
Someday, you'll learn to keep your own secrets
Say you're doing okay and really mean it
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you
For a while you might not like her, but I do
You might not like her, you might not like her
You might not like her, you might not like her
Someday, you'll think you disappoint your parents
But they'll love you not despite, but regardless
And you'll learn to let people have shitty opinions
And talk about your traumas
And like the body you live in
Someday, you'll learn to keep your own secrets
Say you're doing okay and really mean it
You'll lose your faith a bit and question if she's you
And for a while you might not like her, but I do
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