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Don't you dare say that you weren't warned that the end was coming soon. And your eyes shined like Oppenheimer as he talks about the moon.
And he don't even taste the food he eats anymore. And there's a space and place of where his heart was before. And he don't even taste the food he eats anymore. And she don't wanna dine alone And he don't wanna die alone. And she wants to live to eat.
Don't you dare say that you weren't warned that the end was coming soon. And your eyes shined Enola Gay-like as you see the light of day.
And he don't even taste the food he eats anymore. And there's a space and place of where his heart was before. And he don't even taste the food he eats anymore. And he don't wanna dine alone And she don't wanna die alone. And he wants to eat to live.
You're an elegant little pelican. And all your sorrows are stacked amongst your nest of friends.
And over time, defined by how you carry on. And all of the tore songs you keep inside. And all of the songs that hang in the night even after you're gone.
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