Текст песни Mark Lanegan - Mud Pink Skag

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Better keep moving and both eyes open
Deeper down and off you go
Is it heavy yet baby? (Heavy, Heavy)
You hear a fading stereo
Because a killer at the window
Tries to catch you while you rest
Diseases suffering in day-glow
It wakes a demon in your chest (Heavy, Heavy)

A Cinderella in the midnight
A beauty covered in a landslide
It's still walking on the night line
Oh, so heavy (Heavy, Heavy)

Want to go on but you're too nervous
Get to swing that weight around
'Cause when you're swaying, little baby
You like to tear those heavens down
They all join her where she started
She leaves them crying when she goes
And they move like they're retarded
Ah, getting heavy (Heavy, Heavy)

You're sleeping when you smile
And you smile when you're sick
Keep on dreaming when you kick
Went to kick his heavy (Heavy, Heavy)

I see her sway with eyes half open
Better keep moving, there you go
There's a blackout at mid-morning
You hear a fading stereo
And you're sleeping when you smile
And try it when you're sick
'Cause the light up on the window
Wakes a demon and you kick (Ah)
A Cinderella in the midnight
Completely covered by a landslide
You're still walking on the night line
Oh, gettin' Heavy (Heavy, Heavy)

Mmmmm, Mmmm
Gettin' Heavy
Alright, That's it man
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