Текст песни Mason Ramsey - I’ll See You in My Dreams

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[Verse 1]
There was a girl that I used to know
A summer love that began to grow
All the time we spent together
Wish that it could last forever

'Cause you and I dance the night away
As time goes by, I wish that you could stay
When the sun slips down on this old town
You say your last goodbye
Then I, I'll see you in my dreams


[Verse 2]
Though the distance may keep us apart
Still, I can hold you in my arms
There's something so sweet
'Cause you're always here with me

You and I dance the night away
As time goes by, I wish that you could stay
When the sun slips down on this old town
You say your last goodbye
Thеn I, I'll see you in my dreams


You and I dance thе night away
As time goes by, I wish that you could stay
Yeah, when the sun slips down on this old town
You say your last goodbye
Then I, I'll see you in my dreams


I'll see you in my dreams
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