Здесь вы найдете слова песни Matt Hires - Mothers & Fathers. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Matt Hires - Mothers & Fathers и его перевод.
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Get born
Have fun
Work hard
Find love
Hope for
All you ever wanted
Grow up
Get sad
Say things you can't take back
Hold on
To what you think you have
Well, what did you expect
What did you expect
Yeah, what did you expect
Spending all our lives to buy a better way to die
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
Yeah, she tells me she's alright
But she won't look me in the eye
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
No different than our mothers and our fathers were
Say this
Think that
Don't over react
Keep it all together
Keep the kids and slowly fade away
Well, what did you expect
What did you expect
Man, what did you expect
Spending all our lives to buy a better way to die
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
Yeah, she tells me she's alright
But she won't look me in the eye
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
No different than our mothers and our fathers were
Oh, oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh oh oh oh
Well, I know there's gotta be a better way
Are we shackled by our own genetic fate
Can the chemicals that fire in my brain
Free me from the cage
Free me from the cage
Free me from the cage
Spending all our lives to buy a better way to die
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
Yeah she tells me she's alright
But she won't look me in the eye
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
No different than our mothers and our fathers were
And the love we held inside is getting smaller all the time
We're no different than our mothers and our fathers were
No different than our mothers and our fathers were
Oh, oh oh oh oh
Oh, oh oh oh oh
Get born
Have fun
Work hard
Find love
Hope for
All you ever wanted
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Также принимается перевод песни «Mothers & Fathers».
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